In all over the world college life is much different from school life as well know that normally in college life we feel that much lighter in respect of our duties or our academic organization as in school life there are many limitations like in your dress present you have to be very cautious and pay much attention at your studies and more but in the college life there are some entertainment in above areas and much more in Pakistan or in any other countries that typically in Pakistan there are lot of colleges in which are only for men and women and some of them are for both genders and in Girl's colleges which belong to government or may be semi government have their own dress layout and most of them are personal so they are free from this point that they can wear any dresses as they want and the education level is very high in Both sectors and the instructors or teachers are also experienced about to very high level and the college environment is so good and friendly that no one can judge that it's a college or a home I mean that its up to you that you want to take a class or not and the same of other countries as well which in located in abroad and from that category we collected some of beautiful girls pictures from the many colleges, see and enjoy.