Thursday, June 16, 2011

Budget for six months Libya’s rebel seeking

Budget for six months Libya’s rebel seeking
The Middle East very known country Libya’s rebel management is seeking to $3.5 billion to wrap its budget for almost six months as sales of makeshift stopped after oil fields were smashed, and said that Mahmoud Badi, the president of foreign reserves and sovereign assets, the oil sales have been stopped because there has been an violence on the many oil fields and the produce fields were smashed, and Mahmoud said in an interview in the UAE city Abu Dhabi yesterday that, We were only able to sell one freight for approx $90 million to $100 million and after that we were not able to provided that and yes Libya was producing as much as almost 1.4 million barrels a day of makeshift before resistance to Muammar Qaddafi’s four-decade rule in mid of February led to an armed rebellion that halted oil exports in the month of April, and a tanker loaded concerning 1 million barrels from rebel and controlled territory that was marketed by Qatar no 01 national oil company in the world and also Rebel officials are visiting responsive Arab and European nation for credit lines and loan and the National Transitional Council established pledges for a total of almost $1.2 billion from countries together with France, Italy and Qatar, said that Ahmed Jehani, the official in charge of renovation at the rebel council.
The worry cost of import fuel for rebel held cities is $300 million in the month, according to Mr. Mahmoud and it has been enclosed by countries that used to be clientele of Libyan oil and companies that create or sell crude for the nation such as Eni Spa (ENI), Total SA (FP) and many other companies that he said and the rebels need armored cars, helicopters and weapons as well in order to secure the oilfields so they can resume makeshift manufacture and processing operation, and also Four out of five of the nation’s refinery are shut and the Qaddafi-controlled Zawiyah facility is operating only partially, and might start within a weeks or one to two months if we provide security for all the oil fields in the middle east.

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